The Wash Spot Laundromat

Open 24 Hours

Air Conditioned

Free Wi-Fi - Bring your laptops!!!

Credit and Debit Cards Accepted

Monitored by 24 hour Video Surveillance Cameras

207 Riverside Avenue, Burlington, Vermont
(next to Newton's Carwash and Auto Detailing)
Click for Map & Directions
(802) 862-6100

The Wash Card System

I traveled 5 different States and met personally with the President of the American Laundromat Association to get advice as to what was the most user friendly Laundromat System. The very fast growing trend is the Wash Card System which is what we offer at our Laundromat.

How the system works:

You first obtain a WASH CARD. You do this by:
  1. Pushing the Button on the touch screen which reads "Touch button to get a new Wash Card".
  2. Insert a $1.00 dollar bill into the money slot. A Wash Card is then dispensed to you.

You will now "ADD VALUE" to the new Wash Card you received. You do this by:
  1. Inserting the Wash Card - Arrow first into the Touch screen where indicated.
  2. Add any CASH AMOUNT of $1, $5, $10 or $20 into the bill slot. This value is transferred onto your Wash Card.
  3. To check the value on your Wash Card at any time insert the card into the touch Screen. The screen will display the value on your card.
  4. ADDING VALUE WITH CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD. You would need to obtain a card which is step number 1. above.
  5. You would then select ENGLISH from the Credit/Debit card terminal.
  6. You would then select ADD VALUE.
  7. You would then slide the Wash Card - Arrow first into the slot below the Keypad.
  8. You would then slide your Credit/Debit Card in the slot to the right of the keypad and follow the instructions on the screen.

NOTE: If you using the color touch screen to add $20 CASH onto your Wash Card you will receive $24 worth of value. This does NOT apply to the Credit/Debit card machine.

You should now Register your Wash Card. The benefits of registering are as follows:
  1. You will receive every 11th wash load FREE.
  2. You will get your original $1.00 added back onto your wash card.
  3. If you loose your wash card and have a balance on the card we can void the lost card and give you a new card with the same balance that was on your card.

NOTE: if you do NOT register your card we cannot offer any of the 3 benefits above.