The Wash Spot Laundromat

Open 24 Hours

Air Conditioned

Free Wi-Fi - Bring your laptops!!!

Credit and Debit Cards Accepted

Monitored by 24 hour Video Surveillance Cameras

207 Riverside Avenue, Burlington, Vermont
(next to Newton's Carwash and Auto Detailing)
Click for Map & Directions
(802) 862-6100


All our washer are brand new and state of the art with HI-EXACTRION SPIN CYCLES. This means that 30% to 40% more water is spun out of your laundry which saves you money by REDUCED DRY TIME.

8 LOAD WASHERS - $9.89 Wash huge loads all at once - Including Sleeping bags, Comforters and Quilts. Largest Washers in Vermont!!

5 LOAD WASHERS - $5.89 These are also great for large capacity washing.

3 LOAD WASHERS - $3.29 - Great for medium capacity washing.

2 LOAD WASHERS - $1.99 - These washers are fantastic machines for smaller loads. They spin out at 400 G force. Greatly reducing dry time.