We will match any amount of value that a Student Adds to their Wash Card provided you ADD at least $20 to your wash card. Our maximum match is $50.00 You must REGISTER the card (on the color touch screen - see directions above machine) which will give you every 11th load of Washing FREE. Also by registering you are protected against losing your card. If you loose it we will void the lost card and issue you a new card with your balance.
There will be an attendant around the carwash, detail shop (behind laundromat) or propane shed between 8AM to 6PM, 7 days /week. If there is no attendant around make sure to REGISTER your wash card and we can match your value at any time. . If you are there outside of those hours and have registered we can match your value if you leave a message at 862 6100 or email clean@thewashspot.com Leave the name under which you registered your card AND the last 6 digits on the back of your wash card and we will match your value within 72 hours. NOTE: YOU MUST CALL OR EMAIL WITHIN 48 HOURS OF ADDING VALUE TO YOUR WASH CARD. IF YOU DO NOT CONTACT US WITHIN 48 HOURS OUR MATCH WILL BECOME VOID. Thanks for coming to the Wash Spot Laundromat!!!!!!!
For example:
You add $20 to your Wash Card (using Debit, Credit or Cash) We will match your $20 Giving you $40.00 worth of value on your card.
You add $50 to your Wash Card (using Debit, Credit or Cash) We will match your $50 Giving you $100 worth of value on your card.
You will then be able to use the Wash Card in the SOAP/BLEACH/FABRIC SOFTNER machine as well as WASHERS and DRYERS.
Give us a call or email if you have any questions or comments.
(802)862 6100 or clean@thewashspot.com